Support Us
Help us do more to empower young people
£20 can help with...
transport to an interview or essential books and manuals for college and study
£80 raised can help...
a young person apply for a driving licence which will serve as photo ID for college or work application
£200 can help with...
purchasing a laptop for school or college or a fridge or washing machine for a first home
Make a donation to support young people
Donate online
You can make a one off gift, or set up a regular donation online through ‘Give as You Live’ our payment processor.
Donate by Standing Order
If you would like to set up a regular donation, you can print and complete the Standing Order form below.
Join us and support our fundraising. Collect for us, get sponsored for an activity or join in our fundraising events.
We are entirely dependent on the
generosity of our supporters.
Whether big or small, every donation adds up and goes directly to support young people develop their skills, advance their education and to relieve unemployment and financial hardship.
You can make a one-off donation or pledge a monthly gift.
If you share the Rose Gale Trust’s commitment to youth work and would like to help us with our work, you can also volunteer