Have your say on accessing Wiltshire Libraries

Through the course of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the internet has rightly been celebrated for helping us stay connected. The internet supports many people to continue to work and has helped keep the economy going. At the Rose Gale Trust we even had our Annual General Meeting on Zoom!

But what if you can’t afford access to the internet? This lockdown has exposed a big gap between the digital haves and have nots.

It’s true most of us own a smartphone but have you ever tried to complete a job application on a 4” screen? There are many students living in low income families who face a widening ‘homework gap’ because they can’t complete work online. Or what if you had to share one computer between three siblings when they’ve all got a coursework deadline for the next morning!

At the Rose Gale Trust we regularly provide grants to help young people in this situation. They need our help and yours now, more than ever.

We can only support a small number of young people and we can only do that because of the incredible generosity of our supporters. This month we were delighted to receive £500 from Tisbury Lodge to help young people in situations just like this.

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This is why our public libraries remain vitally important. Not only do they offer safe physical spaces for people to meet but they also provide critical access to the internet for those who can not afford it.

Wiltshire Council has just launched a four week consultation on re-opening some libraries after 15 weeks of being closed. We encourage everyone reading this to take the opportunity to have your say on how much libraries mean to our communities and the people who need them most.

The consultation is open until 26th July

To take part click the image below or visit: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/news/articles/libraries-consultation-covid19/

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